Principles of prescribing and guidelines for use of topical steroids in dermatology practice


  • Arfan ul Bari


Corticosteroids, topical, guidelines


Corticosteroids have been proven invaluable topical agents in treating a variety ofinflammatory conditions affecting skin. They are to be used with caution in any patient inorder to avoid untoward effects, which can be mild and respond readily to discontinuation ofthe corticosteroid agent, or be severe and even life-threatening in their impact. Not only mustthe agent used and its potency be considered when prescribing, but the properties of itsvehicle, duration of therapy, and site of application can all affect the degree of systemicabsorption and severity of side effects. None of these products can be considered safe underall circumstances. Some general principles and guidelines on prescribing topical steroids arediscussed in this article.


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How to Cite

Bari A ul. Principles of prescribing and guidelines for use of topical steroids in dermatology practice. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Dec.28 [cited 2025Jan.18];15(1):55-9. Available from:



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