Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: a case report and literature review


  • Arfan Ul Bari
  • Simeen Ber Rahman


Ectodermal dysplasias, hypodontia, anodontia, hypohidrosis, anhidrosis


Ectodermal dysplasia is a rare hereditary disorder involving two or more of the ectodermal structures, which include the skin, hair, nails, teeth, mucus and sweat glands. Different combination of defects may give rise to variable phenotypes of this syndromic disorder. We present a nine years old boy having dental, skin and sweat glands defect. A brief review of literature is also presented. 


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How to Cite

Bari AU, Rahman SB. Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia: a case report and literature review. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Dec.28 [cited 2025Jan.18];17(1):52-5. Available from: https://www.jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/684



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