Efficacy of intralesional vitamin D3 in plantar warts


  • Maryiam Ali Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Khadija Malik Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Bushra Bashir Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Azka Saeed Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Atif Shahzad Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Lamees Mahmood Malik Department of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Hospital, Lahore
  • Tariq Rashid


Intralesional, Vitamin D3, Warts


OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of intralesional vitamin D3 in treatment of plantar warts. METHODS: Total 65 participants, of either gender, with clinical diagnosis of plantar warts were enrolled in the study after taking informed written consent. In each session, selected wart was first injected with 0.2ml(20mg/ml) lignocaine and then 0.6 ml of intralesional vitamin D3 injection (2,00000 IU) was injected with 27-gauge insulin syringe at the base of selected wart. Total 4 sessions were performed every 2 weeks. All patients were clinically assessed for change in size of wart before the first session, every two weeks for the next four sessions, and then at the follow-up period of two weeks after the last session. The treatment was considered effective if there was complete resolution of wart on inspection and palpation at the end of 10 weeks, as final assessment was done 2 weeks after last injection. RESULTS: The patients' average age was 26.69± 4.63 years. Out of 65 patients, 57.7% (n=57) were  between the ages of 18-30; and 8.3% (n=8) were between the ages of 31- 45. There were   26.2 percent females (n=17) and 73.8 percent were males (n=48). Treatment was considered effective on complete clearance of wart. In a total of 65 patients, procedure was found to be effective in forty-six patients (70.8%). CONCLUSIONS: In our study intralesional vitamin D3was effective in 70.8% patients.



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How to Cite

Ali M, Malik K, Bashir B, Saeed A, Shahzad A, Malik LM, Rashid T. Efficacy of intralesional vitamin D3 in plantar warts. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2023Oct.12 [cited 2024Nov.2];33(4):1495-9. Available from: https://www.jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/2433



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