Seasonal heat eccrine hidrocystoma: Robinson type


  • Khalifa E Sharquie Department of Dermatology, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Center of Dermatology, Medical City Teaching Hospital, Iraq
  • Waqas Abdulwahhab Department of Dermatology, Al-Qassimi Hospital, Sharjah. College of Medicine, University of Sharjah, UAE


Hidrocystoma, Eccrine hidrocystoma, Apocrine hidrocystoma


Objective To do a full clinical evaluation of all gathered cases of eccrine hidrocystomas of Robinson type.   Methods This is a cross-sectional descriptive clinical study where all patients with eccrine hidrocystomas were seen during the period from 2014-2023. The different demographic features were described with full clinical evaluation.   Results Eighteen patients were seen, their ages ranged from 30-60 years with 17 (94.4%) females and one (5.6%) male. All patients presented during summer time from May-September then followed by complete remission in winter time but recurrent on next summer. The rash was itchy and burning consisting of skin-colored or erythematous shiny clear papules of a few millimeters in size. When punctured by a needle, clear fluid appeared. The location of the rash was the face mainly on the cheeks, around the eyes, and forehead. The rash was exacerbated over any heat exposure like working in a kitchen.   Conclusion This is a specific variant of eccrine hidrocystoma that was seen mostly in middle-aged females with seasonal variation seen only in summer time. As the rash is inflammatory, itchy and seasonal, we suggest the name: seasonal heat eccrine hidrocystoma. As preventive measure, we suggest to do botulinum toxin type A injection in early hot season to minimize sweating, thus avoiding rash appearance.  


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doi 10.1007/s40257-020-00532-0. PMID: 32651806.




How to Cite

Sharquie KE, Abdulwahhab W. Seasonal heat eccrine hidrocystoma: Robinson type. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024Oct.11 [cited 2025Jan.26];34(4):846-50. Available from:



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