The understanding level regarding to STI, HIV and free sex on medical and non-medical students


  • Dina Arwina Dalimunthe Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Alicia Alicia
  • Rezky Darmawan Hatta Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia


understanding level of STI, HIV, Free sex, Sexually Transmitted Infection, college students


Background  Students are regarded to be the final stage of adolescence. Their surroundings, as well as their education, have a good amount of influence on their attitudes and sexual behaviors. Furthermore, they are highly vulnerable to sexual misconduct and sexually transmitted diseases. Free sex has a number of adverse consequences, including STIs, HIV/AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases. STI prevalence has increased significantly worldwide.   Objective To examine the discrepancies between medical and non-medical students' awareness regarding STIs, HIV, and free sex.   Methods Analytical research design was employed in this study. A validated questionnaire was used to assess the variables associated with STI, HIV, and the understanding of free sex. Furthermore, this study was done using a cross-sectional approach and simple random sampling. Exactly 100 samples were required in each population.   Results It suggests that teenagers have an adequate amount of understanding about STIs and HIV. There were found 236 people (73.8%) for the first group and 173 people (54.1%) for the other group. Furthermore, 297 people (92.8%) were characterized as having an unusually high level of knowledge regarding free sex. The amount of knowledge about STIs, HIV, and free sex between medical and non-medical students varies significantly.   Conclusion The understanding level of teenagers towards STI and HIV are considered as moderate. Therefore, it is required to make an improvement by providing education on STI and HIV.  


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How to Cite

Dalimunthe DA, Alicia A, Hatta RD. The understanding level regarding to STI, HIV and free sex on medical and non-medical students. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024May6 [cited 2025Jan.25];34(1):208-11. Available from:



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