Awareness about skin cancer in expatriates from the Indian subcontinent in the Middle East: a study



Skin cancer, sun exposure, sun protection, sunscreen, education, self-skin examination


Objective The study was conducted to understand the level of awareness about skin cancer in expatriates from the Indian subcontinent in the Middle East. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a random sample of outdoor working expatriates of the Indian subcontinent in Al-Qassim region of Saudi Arabia. A self-designed questionnaire with high quality images was used to study the awareness and work related practices. Results Awareness related to skin cancer and skin protection was poor in the study group. There was however very encouraging skin protecting dress usage by the participants. The participants had poor understanding and knowledge of the skin lesions that need medical care on priority basis. Conclusion Awareness related to skin cancer and skin protection needs to be raised among the expatriates of Indian sub-continental origin in the Middle East. 

Author Biography

Sajad Ahmad Salati, Unaizah College of Medicine , Qassim University , Saudi Arabia

Associate Professor , Department of SurgeryUnaizah College of Medicine , Qassim University , Saudi Arabia


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How to Cite

Salati SA. Awareness about skin cancer in expatriates from the Indian subcontinent in the Middle East: a study. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2019Sep.1 [cited 2025Jan.23];29(1):51-8. Available from:



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