Pattern of skin diseases presenting in outpatient department of dermatology, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College Sialkot


  • Zareen Saqib Suleri Associate Professor of Dermatology Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot Mobile: +92 3004421244
  • Zahida Rani
  • Khalid Munir Suleri
  • Dr. Raffad


Skin diseases, scabies, eczema, infection


Objective To determine the pattern of skin diseases in patients presenting in DHQ Hospital Sialkot, Pakistan. Methods This observational study was conducted in Outpatient Department of Dermatology, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College Sialkot, over a period of 18 months i.e. from 1st January 2016 to 31st June 2017. All the patients obtaining skin consultation during this period were enrolled in this study. Diagnoses were established clinically and with the help of investigations where required. Results Total 34,799 patients were evaluated during this study period. Mean age of patients was 38±11.5 years. Male to female ratio was 1:2. Scabies was most common (59.93%) disorder observed. 42.53% patients had infections of various aetiologies followed by eczema 26.01%. Seasonal variation was also observed, maximum number of patients presented in months of June and January. Conclusion Our data suggests that skin diseases are significant health problem for which patients seek medical advice. Provision of dermatological facilities need to be improved and extended. Moreover public awareness programmes should be devised as most of the skin diseases belong to infections and hence preventable through awareness and improvement of hygiene. 

Author Biography

Zareen Saqib Suleri, Associate Professor of Dermatology Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College, Sialkot Mobile: +92 3004421244

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Dermatology                                XMultiCopyPasteTime to upgrade, it’s free!Simply click on the top left of the extension and register to get access to 10 shortcuts. Your email will remain secure, but we might get in touch for your feedback! XMultiCopyPasteTime to upgrade, it’s free!Simply click on the top left of the extension and register to get access to 10 shortcuts. Your email will remain secure, but we might get in touch for your feedback! XMultiCopyPasteTime to upgrade, it’s free!Simply click on the top left of the extension and register to get access to 10 shortcuts. Your email will remain secure, but we might get in touch for your feedback!       XMultiCopyPasteTime to upgrade, it’s free!Simply click on the top left of the extension and register to get access to 10 shortcuts. Your email will remain secure, but we might get in touch for your feedback! XMultiCopyPasteTime to upgrade, it’s free!Simply click on the top left of the extension and register to get access to 10 shortcuts. Your email will remain secure, but we might get in touch for your feedback!


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How to Cite

Suleri ZS, Rani Z, Suleri KM, Raffad D. Pattern of skin diseases presenting in outpatient department of dermatology, Khawaja Muhammad Safdar Medical College Sialkot. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2020Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.14];30(2):327-30. Available from:



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