Comparison of Tzanck smear with viral serology in varicella
Varicella, Tzanck smear, viral serologyAbstract
Objective To compare Tzanck smear with viral serology in terms of concurrence of results in patients with varicella. Methods It was a descriptive case-series done at Dermatology Department, Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. We studied 50 patients of the varicella infection in 6 months. Tzanck smear was taken from each patient at presentation and stained by Giemsa stain for giant cells and evaluated by histopathologist. Viral serology was done by complement fixation method at Virology Department. The results were statistically analyzed with SPSS 16. Results Out of 50 patients of varicella 39 (78%) were males while 11 (22%) were females. Mean age was 30.52 ± 9.763 years. Tzanck smear was positive in 33 (66%) and viral serology in 45 (90%) patients. The concurrence of results in both Tzanck smear and viral serology was seen in 31 patients (62%). Conclusion Tzanck smear is a quick and valuable tool in the diagnosis of patients suffering from varicella.References
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