Leprosy in Hyderabad


  • Javed Anwer
  • Pervaiz Iqbal
  • Anoop Kumar Jesrani
  • Raheela Baloch


Leprosy, Hyderabad


Background Leprosy is endemic in Pakistan with an uneven distribution. Hyderabad is the fifth largest city of the country with a polyethnic population. Objective To document demographic and clinical characteristics of leprosy in patients of Hyderabad region. Patients and methods We reviewed 1938 patients of leprosy registered during 1967 to 2002 in all the functional leprosy centres of Hyderabad. Results Males and females were equally affected. Over 65% of cases were in their 2nd to 5th decade of life. Pauci- and multibacillary leprosy were seen with almost similar frequency. The commonest presentation was tuberculoid leprosy (34.5%), followed by the rest. The prevalence of leprosy was highest in Indian migrants (57.53%) as compared to local Sindhis (15.37%). Conclusion Leprosy in Hyderabad more commonly occurs in Indian migrants than in other ethnic groups. It equally affects both sexes and paucibacillary disease is more common. 


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How to Cite

Anwer J, Iqbal P, Jesrani AK, Baloch R. Leprosy in Hyderabad. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2017Jan.3 [cited 2025Feb.8];14(1):23-6. Available from: http://www.jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/772



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