Dermatological non disease


  • Smitha Prabhu
  • C. Balachandran
  • Sunaina Hameed
  • Raghavendra Rao
  • H. Sripathi


Dermatological nondisease


Dermatological non disease, popularly known as body dysmorphic disorder isencountered among 9-15% of patients visiting a dermatology clinic. It results insignificant emotional distress and can be associated with other psychiatric disorders.Unfortunately the diagnosis is often missed. Patients insist on undergoingcosmetological procedures but are invariably dissatisfied with the results. This leadsto litigations and even physical assaults, hence it is worthwhile for all dermatologiststo be well aware of this entity.


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How to Cite

Prabhu S, Balachandran C, Hameed S, Rao R, Sripathi H. Dermatological non disease. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Dec.28 [cited 2025Feb.14];17(3):182-6. Available from:



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