Patterns of psoriasis in pediatric age group


  • Humaira Talat
  • Saba Majeed
  • Zarnaz Wahid
  • Sana Siddiqui


Childhood psoriasis, patterns of psoriasis


Objective To determine the patterns of psoriasis in pediatric age group.Methods In this cross-sectional study, 30 patients meeting inclusion criteria were included by nonprobability consecutive sampling technique in a period of 6 months. Patients aged 1 month to 14 years, visiting dermatology OPD or getting admitted in Department of Dermatology, CHK, were examined by a dermatologist to make a diagnosis of psoriasis and its particular pattern. Biopsies were taken wherever required. Frequency and percentages were computed for age, gender, pattern of psoriasis, severity of diseases and site of involvement.Results The median age of patients was 8 years, majority (56.7%) falling in the range of 6-10 years with equal gender distribution. Most of the patients presented with plaque type of psoriasis (43.3%), followed by guttate (13.3%), palmoplantar (10%) and nail involvement (10%). Psoriatic diaper rash and erythrodermic variety were seen in only 6.7% patients each. Lesions were primarily on the trunk (33.3%). However, only 1-10 % of body surface was involved in 50% of the patients, but at the same time 22.2% patients reported a greater involvement falling in range of 30-90% body surface area.Conclusion We conclude that plaque type is the most common pattern of psoriasis seen in children of our region and trunk is the most commonly affected site.


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How to Cite

Talat H, Majeed S, Wahid Z, Siddiqui S. Patterns of psoriasis in pediatric age group. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Nov.17 [cited 2025Feb.6];26(2):129-33. Available from:



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