Workplace-based assessments: The right time to start


  • Mansoor Dilnawaz
  • Zafar Iqbal Shaikh
  • Hina Mazhar
  • Nadia Iftikhar
  • Aisha Akhtar
  • Sakina Sadiq


Work-based assessment


Workplace-based assessments (WPBAs) refer to the assessment of working practices based on what doctors actually do in the workplace and is predominantly carried out in the workplace itself (PMETB, 2007). WPBAs should be recognized as a series of essential educational events along a learning trajectory. WPBAs are an essential part of an assessment system alongside traditional examinations. The primary purpose of WPBAs is to provide constructive feedback to the trainees. The trainer is required to identify trainees not progressing along their structured learning plan so that early remedial action can be initiated. An understanding of the acceptable level of clinical competence required for a particular stage of learning is essential. This will ensure that the patients are safe during training through appropriate supervision and assessment. Stakeholders (trainers, trainees, managers, patients) should actively be involved in the development and implementation of the programme to ensure transparency and understanding of the process. 


Adapted from General Medical Council, Supplementary guidance on Workplace Based Assessment: A guide for implementation: April 2010.

Adapted from Faculty London deanery website.

Adapted from JRCPTB web site.

Annexures/ Forms adapted from JRCPTB web site.

Miller GE. The assessment of clinical skills/ competence/performance. Acad Med. 1990;65:S63-7.

Postgraduate medical education and training board 2007. Developing and maintaining an assessment system – a PMETB guide to good practice. Available from: www.gmc-

Postgraduate medical education and training board. 2008. National survey of trainers report [WWW]. Available from:

Wilkinson J, Crossley J, Wragg A et al. Implementing workplace-based assessment across the medical specialties in the United Kingdom. Med Educ. 2008;42:364-73.

Van der Vleuten CPM, Schuwirth, LWT. Assessing professional competence. Med Educ. 2005;39:309-17.




How to Cite

Dilnawaz M, Shaikh ZI, Mazhar H, Iftikhar N, Akhtar A, Sadiq S. Workplace-based assessments: The right time to start. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2016Dec.15 [cited 2025Feb.7];23(2):198-20. Available from:



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