Evaluation of quality of life in children with vitiligo referred to pediatric dermatology clinic
Quality of life in children with vitiligo
Vitiligo, Quality, ChildrenAbstract
Background Current evidence shows that quality of life in children with chronic dermatologic diseases can be profoundly affected. The objective of the study is to evaluate impact of vitiligo on quality of life of children with vitiligo. Methods This is a cross-sectional study on children aged between 4-16 years old with vitiligo referred to pediatric dermatologic clinic. Demographics and clinical features of patients were recorded. Then, Persian version of childhood dermatology life quality index (CDLQI) questionnaire was completed by the patients. Data was analyzed by SPSS 16 (software IBM, Armonk, NY, USA). Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman's correlation were utilized for analysis of data. Results Sixty-one children with vitiligo were enrolled the study. Mean age of patients was 10.3±3.39 years old. Mean score of quality of life was 3.6±4.2. Vitiligo had mild, moderate and severe impact on quality of life in 37.7%, 14.8% and 4.9% of cases, respectively. The most common factors which had negative effects on quality of life of the patients were emotional distress, treatment and type of dressing. There was a significant association between type of vitiligo, percentage of involvement, course of disease and age of the patients with quality of life. Conclusion In this study, vitiligo mostly had no effect on quality of life of children. Children with vulgaris type of vitiligo, higher percentage of involvement and progressive course had lower quality of life. Moreover, older children or patients with longer duration of disease had significantly lower quality of life.References
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