Cutaneous sarcoidosis without systemic involvement: Another presentation of a ‘master mimicker’


  • Sadaf Ahmed Asim Department of Dermatology, Dow University Hospital Ojha, Karachi
  • Ayesha Zahir Department of Dermatology, Dow University Hospital Ojha, Karachi
  • Tayyaba Iqbal Department of Dermatology, Dow University Hospital Ojha, Karachi
  • Sania Imtiaz Department of Dermatology, Dow University Hospital Ojha, Karachi


Cutaneous sarcoidosis, Systemic involvement, Master mimicker


Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic, noncaseating, granulomatous, inflammatory disease involving multiple organs. Skin involvement can be the earliest presentation of disease effecting nearly 25 to 30 percent of cases. Cutaneous form of sarcoidosis is considered as the ‘great imitator’, because it masquerades various other dermatological conditions causing a huge complexity in diagnosis and management of this condition. Moreover, presence of other more prevalent granulomatous infections in our region causes a further delay in diagnosis. Here we present a case report concerning coexistence of differential morphological patterns of sarcoidosis (papules, nodules, psoriasiform and annular) all in the same patient.


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How to Cite

Asim SA, Zahir A, Iqbal T, Imtiaz S. Cutaneous sarcoidosis without systemic involvement: Another presentation of a ‘master mimicker’. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024Jul.2 [cited 2025Jan.13];34(3):771-4. Available from:



Case Reports