A case of De-Novo histoid leprosy with keloid-like nodules


  • Tjahya Utami Aulia Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Khairuddin Djawad Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Safruddin Amin Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia


De-Novo, Histoid Leprosy, Keloid


Histoid leprosy is a kind of lepromatous leprosy known as multibacillary leprosy. De novo histoid leprosy is the formation of histoid lesions without the presence of Hansen's disease. We present the case of a 25-year-old male who had erythematous nodules in the dorsum nasi and frontal regions that resembled keloids for 11 months. The presence of peripheral nerve thickening, mycobacterium leprae on a slit skin smear, and specific histological features aid in the diagnosis of histoid leprosy, and these indicators should be examined to distinguish these two disorders. The patient was treated with multidrug therapy and gave good results


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How to Cite

Aulia TU, Djawad K, Amin S. A case of De-Novo histoid leprosy with keloid-like nodules. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2024Jul.2 [cited 2025Jan.24];34(3):744-8. Available from: http://www.jpad.com.pk/index.php/jpad/article/view/2587



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