Comparison between the efficacies of topical tranexamic acid versus intralesional tranexamic acid in treatment of melasma

trenexemic acid in melasma


  • Mohsina Awais Department of Dermatology, Fatima Jinnah Medical University/ Sir Gangaram Hospital, Lahore.
  • Saadiya Siddiqui Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Ammerudin Medical College/Post Graduate Medical Institute/ General Hospital, Lahore.
  • Maimona Ilyas Department of Dermatology, Fatima Jinnah Medical University/ Sir Gangaram Hospital, Lahore.
  • Maryam Qayyum Department of Dermatology, Fatima Jinnah Medical University/ Sir Gangaram Hospital, Lahore.
  • Atif Shahzad Associate Professor of Dermatology, Allama Iqbal Medical College/ Jinnah Jospital, Lahore.
  • Nadia Ali Azfar Professor of Dermatology, Gujranwala Medical College, Gujranwala.


pakistani women, melasma, tanexemic acid, intralesional, topical


ABSTRACT    Melasma is a common acquired disorder of hyperpigmentation and its treatment often necessitates a multifaceted approach especially in refractory cases. Topical tranexamic acid is commonly used but studies claimed that intralesional injection of tranexamic acid was more efficacious. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of tranexamic acid intralesional (localized microinjections) versus topical therapy in the treatment of melasma.  METHODOLOGY: This study involved 72 patients of melasma of both genders  between 20-50 years, randomly allocated into two treatment groups. Group-A was given topical TXA while Group-B was treated with intradermal injection of TXA. Efficacy was labeled as ≥50% reduction in baseline MASI score after 12 weeks of treatment. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 30.53±8.68 years. There were 13 (18.1%) male and 59 (81.9%) female patients. Majority (n=49, 68.1%) of the patients had Fitz-Patrick Type-V skin phototype.Moderate melasma in 47 (65.3%) patients and severe in 25 (34.7%) patients. Melasma was epidermal in 43 (59.7%) patients while dermal and mixed type was noted in 18.1% and 22.2% patient’s respectively. The frequency of efficacy was significantly higher in patients treated with intralesional TXA as compared to topical TXA (66.7% vs. 27.8%; p-value=0.001). CONCLUSION: Intralesional injection of tranexamic acid was found superior to conventional practice of its topical application in the management of patients with melasma regardless of patient’s age, gender, marital and educational status, skin type and type, pattern and severity of disease which along with its well established safety profile and convenience of once-weekly dosage advocate the preferred use of this novel approach in the management of such patients in future dermatologic practice. KEY WORDS: Melasma, Topical, Intralesional, Tranexamic Acid

Author Biography

Saadiya Siddiqui, Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Ammerudin Medical College/Post Graduate Medical Institute/ General Hospital, Lahore.

assistant professor dermatology Ammerudin medical college /post graduate medical institute lhr


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How to Cite

Awais M, Siddiqui S, Ilyas M, Qayyum M, Shahzad A, Azfar NA. Comparison between the efficacies of topical tranexamic acid versus intralesional tranexamic acid in treatment of melasma: trenexemic acid in melasma. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2023Aug.7 [cited 2025Jan.23];33(3):883-90. Available from:



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