Pattern of skin diseases in a tertiary care private hospital, Karachi
Pattern of skin diseases, scabies, atopic dermatitis, infections, infestationsAbstract
Objective To determine the pattern of skin diseases in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi and to compare the results with local and international literature. Methods The current study was carried out in the Dermatology Department, Hamdard University Hospital, Karachi from 1st September 2011 to 31st August 2012 over a period of 1 year. All the freshly registered patients presenting in the outpatient were enrolled irrespective of gender and age, after an informed consent. Clinical diagnosis was made on the basis of detailed history and clinical examination. Laboratory investigations were performed where required e.g. routine investigations and biochemical profile. Skin biopsy and histopathology were performed in doubtful cases. All the findings were recorded, compiled, tabulated and analyzed. Results 1733 patients comprising 936 (54%) females and 797 (46%) males were enrolled. There were 728 (42%) children and 1005 (58%) adults. Infections and infestations were the most common skin conditions constituting 37.4% of all the enrolled patients of which 399 (23%) were children and 250 (14.4%) adults. Eczema was next in frequency comprising 313 (18%) patients including 150 (8.6%) children and 163 (9.4%) adults. Acne was seen in 229 (13%) patients, urticaria in 97 (5.5%) while hair disorders were recorded in 66 (4%) patients. Papulosquamous disorders and pigmentary dermatoses were observed in less than 3% of the patients studied. Scabies presented with the highest frequency (18%) and among pyodermas (10%), furunculosis (4%) and impetigo 59 (3%), being the most frequent. Fungal infections (3%) had a frequency more then viral infections (2%). Atopic dermatitis was the most frequently seen eczema (6%) followed by seborrhoeic dermatitis (5%) and contact dermatitis (4.5%). Conclusion The pattern of skin diseases is same in various cities of Pakistan with minor differences. Scabies and infections remain the most common diseases while eczema also constitutes an important group of dermatoses in our part of the world.References
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