The difference of histopathological profile of early onset and late onset psoriasis in tertiary hospital in Central Java, Indonesia
Backgound Psoriasis is classified into early-onset psoriasis (EOP) and late-onset psoriasis (LOP) based on its onset. Histopathological examination is the main diagnostic tool and the severity of psoriasis can be assessed quantitatively using the trozak scoring system. Objective This study aimed to compare EOP and LOP based on histopathological grading of trozak scoring system psoriasis. Methods 32 hematoxylin-eosin staining biopsy slides of psoriasis from the records of the dermatopathology laboratory at Moewardi hospital for 5 years between 2018 and 2022, were selected for the study and assessed the histopathological trozak grading system. Data was analyzed using the Fisher exact test. Results 32 psoriatic patients were included in the study. Adult subjects were predominant (90.63%). Most subjects were males (53.12%). We found (59.37%) of subjects had LOP. Of the total subjects only 56.25% had a family history of psoriasis. There was a significant difference regarding the age of onset of psoriasis between EOP and LOP, in which the age of the onset was 26.38±3.13 and 41.34±6.46 respectively. Meanwhile, the histopathological score of subjects either in EOP or LOP did not differ significantly, as the scores were 10.54±3.13 and 9.58±4.49 respectively. Statistically, there was no significant difference between EOP and LOP regarding the histopathological features except for the absence of a granular layer in EOP. Histopathological examination revealed that perivascular mononuclear infiltrate in the papillary dermis was the most common finding in EOP (100%). Conclusion Based on the Trozak scoring system there were no significant differences between EOP and LOP regarding their histopathological features.References
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