Serum vitamin levels in Psoriasis and Acne: Is there a relationship with disease? A Comparative cross sectional study in local population


  • Attiya Tareen Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Sohaib Asghar Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi
  • Hadia Yaqub Khan Shifa College of medicine, Islamabad
  • Habiba Yaqub Khan Foundation University, Rawalpindi
  • Ammara Safdar


Background: vitamin D is an oil soluble vitamin responsible for various skeletal and non-skeletal functions, its deficiency is common in skin pathologies due to consequent abnormality in its synthesis and activation from skin cells. Objective: The study targets to study the relationship between the degrees of Vitamin D in psoriasis and acne patients, the research study compares the levels in patients suffering from the mentioned diseases. Method: The study employs a cross-sectional comparative method of analysis in Fauji Foundation Hospital Rawalpindi's dermatology ward. 350 participants were selected by non-randomized convenient sampling, out of which 323 signed informed consent and qualified based on inclusion, and exclusion criteria were included. Out of these 323, 140 that were diagnosed with acne were included in group A based on inclusion criteria of age between 12 to 40. And, 183 participants diagnosed with psoriasis were included in group B based on inclusion criteria of age between 16 to 70. All these participants did not have a history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, or renal and hepatic diseases, and were screened for normal RFTs and LFTs by taking blood samples. Blood samples were collected by using the technique of immune-enzyme assessment ((25(OH)-Vitamin D) with the enabling function of ELISA kit Immundiagnostik AG, Germany) that assessed the level of vitamin D serum 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25(OH) D). The result was analyzed on SPSS 26. Result: Values of one paired t-test depicts that there is a huge difference between the mean vitamin D measure of acne (M=41.47, SD=19.6) and vitamin d level of psoriasis (M=21.83, S. D=8.5). Regarding the correlation between the level of serums in acne and psoriasis patients. It was assessed that there has been a direct and non-negligible negative association between the degrees of vitamin D serum in psoriasis and acne patients (r=0.13, p=0.05). It was also instigated that there had not been vital correlation in vitamin D serum levels in patients suffering from acne (r=1, p=>0.05). Conclusion: The research study developed that a direct and significant relationship between the level of vitamin D serum and psoriasis whereas no vital correlations were found between levels of vitamin D serum and acne.

Author Biographies

Attiya Tareen , Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi

Department of Dermatology,

Sohaib Asghar, Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi

Department of Dermatology,

Hadia Yaqub Khan, Shifa College of medicine, Islamabad

Final Year Student

Habiba Yaqub Khan, Foundation University, Rawalpindi

Fourth Year MBBS Student


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How to Cite

Attiya Tareen, Sohaib Asghar, Hadia Yaqub Khan, Habiba Yaqub Khan, Ammara Safdar. Serum vitamin levels in Psoriasis and Acne: Is there a relationship with disease? A Comparative cross sectional study in local population. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2023Mar.5 [cited 2025Jan.26];33(1):196-203. Available from:



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