An An interesting case of cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19
An interesting case of cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19
Corona virus, also known as covid-19 is an infectious viral disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The disease has caused a global pandemic. It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan province of China and has been declared as global pandemic in March 2020 by World Health Organisation. Cutaneous manifestations in Covid-19 have not been widely discussed. Here we are presenting a case of 14 year old boy who came to our skin OPD with the complaint of urticaria which was not responding to treatment. The boy came with complaint of rashes all over the body associated with fever, throat pain, cough, loss of smell and taste sensation since 2 days. We did a complete blood count and CRP level. On investigation we found his total leucocytes count to be 28,900/cmm, Polymorphs were 90%, Lmphocytes 6% and CRP value was 47mg/L. He was prescribed injection Pheniramine maleate 2cc IM stat, T. Levocetrizine 5mg HSx15 days, T.Azitromycin 500mg once daily x 7 days and moisturising lotion and patient was referred to Covid hospital where he was found to be Covid positiveDownloads
How to Cite
HENRY D. An An interesting case of cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19: An interesting case of cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2022Apr.10 [cited 2025Jan.23];31(3):550-2. Available from:
Case Reports