
  • P.K. Roy
  • Abhijeet Kumar Jha
  • Md. Zeeshan
  • R.K.P. Chaudhary


HIV/AIDS, knowledge, medical student


Objective The study was conducted to check medical students knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst first year MBBS students. Ten multiple choice questions were given pertaining to spread, mode, treatment and prevention of AIDS. Results Knowledge about mode of spread, transmission, prevention of HIV/AIDS was average among MBBS students, but there were few misconceptions. Conclusion Awareness standard needs to be raised among the medical students. 


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How to Cite

Roy P, Jha AK, Zeeshan M, Chaudhary R. KNOWLEDGE REGARDING HIV/AIDS IN MEDICAL STUDENTS. J Pak Assoc Dermatol [Internet]. 2018Jul.23 [cited 2024Dec.8];28(1):35-8. Available from:



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